Having an online presence is probably one of the most important parts of having a business and that includes a photobooth business.
With that said, though, it’s very easy to get caught up in the fun of designing a website that you forget its main purpose – to sell your services to clients.
How do you do that?
Well, your website should answer a few very basic questions and that’s what I’m hearing to tell you all about.
What Do You Do?
This one is pretty simple and straight forward. What do you do?
Obviously you know that you’re a photobooth company, I mean … at least I hope you do. But how will other people recognize that?
Most website visitors make up their mind in a matter of seconds.
“Do I stay on this site? Or do I find another? Is this website easy to navigate and understand or am I already confused?”
Again, it may seem simple and obvious to you, after all, you’re the one who created the website and the entire company. But your website must begin with enough information to tell your potential clients exactly what it is that you do within those first few seconds.
Does your website say, “We make memories?” Or does it say “New York Photobooth Rentals?”
Of course, “We Make Memories” sounds and looks nicer, it’s less blunt. I get it. You can still include a line like this, but just make sure that it’s not the main focus.
At the end of the day, your main focus should be stating, very explicitly, what it is that you’re offering and that is photobooth rentals.
Why Should I Stay?
This one is pretty straightforward, too.
Why should the customer stay on your page versus checking out the competition? This is where you should give them a short, but compelling reason.
Something like “New York City’s Premium Photobooth Rentals” would be a good option. And, funny enough, it actually covers both this question and the previous one, too.
Now, I know … that’s a pretty generic reason for why someone should stay (nobody said I’m that creative), but now that I’ve pointed you in the right direction, get creative! I’m sure you’ll think of something great.
What Now?
Well … what do I do now? And by “I,” I’m assuming the role of the customer.
Now that you’ve got your future client’s attention, it’s time to get them to reach out to you.
How do you do that?
Make it very clear and easy for the customer to understand what they should do next – use a CTA (call to action) button.
It’s important that somewhere in the middle of the page you have an attractive CTA button that urges the customer to “Book Now,” “Contact Me,” really anything that’s going to get them in touch with you so you can close this sale.
The more CTA buttons the better.
Well, don’t get too crazy now. But, putting a CTA button in various locations such as your menu bar, the middle of your front page, within each section as the customer scrolls, etc.
This will reenforce the idea that the customer should be reaching out to you ASAP.
And that’s it. It’s really not that tough, right?
Answer these questions on your website and I guarantee that you’ll see more bookings and better results in no time!
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